Its Just Me

Random Thoughts and recently begun...random photos.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The World As We Knew It

Throughout our lives were given various opportunities to make decisions that will affect eternity. Often, the decision doesn’t seem to be that important. It’s only after the consequences have begun to show themselves that we’re able to appreciate the gravity of the moment. These moments of enlightenment seemed to be equally populated with thankfulness and regret. At the time the decision is required, numerous variables impact our thinking. As a result, it is painfully important that we consider our decisions with the rest of time in mind. Our perspective of time is often diluted by our desires. We desire to be done working for the week so we skip that last phone call. We desire to have an evening off so we postpone writing the memo that should go out today. We desire a day of peace and quiet so we don’t check our messages.

None of these actions or lack there of are paramount in our existence, however each one holds the potential of being dramatically positive or negative on the future as we know it.

It would behoove us all to establish a method to deal with our inner and outer self to check our decisions against our own interpretation of the future.

Turning to the interrogatives for help seems to be a valid tool for dissemination:

WHO- If I were someone else would I make this decision differently? Who do I admire and how would they proceed? Who do I long to not imitate? How would they proceed?

WHAT- What are the possible outcomes? How will my action or lack there of precipitate their coming to pass.

WHEN- When will the outcome most likely be realized?

to be continued...

Friday, June 08, 2007

A rough day at soccer

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